Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Glow necklace

What else is great from glow products for any party or event? Glow necklace! Light up the party with glow necklace around your neck.

Common size of glow necklace is 22 inches. It works the same way as glow stick. You must bend your glow neck lace just enough to break inner glass ampoules. To get immediate maximum glow effect shake up glow necklace to mix chemicals. After that you push each end of the necklace into connector and you have it ready around your neck. Glow necklaces can be of one, two or three colors.

Quality glow necklaces have usual safety parameters. ”Glow juice” in glow necklaces is not toxic. Nevertheless it is not recommended to give them to children under 5 years old. Don’t break the tube. In any case there are chemicals within glow necklace. And these chemicals are definite danger to your eyes and clothes.

In many cases customers want to have a logo on glow necklaces. Using of some technologies to imprint logo damages 1-2% of glow necklaces. From the other side connectors have small place for logo. Browsing the net I stumbled on different type of connector that has larger flat area where can be imprinted corporate logo. You can find it in the net without problems.

Glow necklace has usual glow life between 4-12 hours. From that side its close competitor is light necklace operated by batteries. Light necklace can be switched off for further use. Glow necklaces can not be switched off. The only way to prolong their glow life is to place them in freezer. Chemical reaction will slow down cause of low temperature.

But as for me glow necklace is cooler.

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