There are many ways to use glow stick. Here we will see how glow stick can be used when you go to dance somewhere.
You came. There is merry atmosphere. There are many people around you. You have strong desire to show yourself. The best way to show you on dancing party is to dance. You know you dance is good. Music began, everybody is dancing around. Suddenly they see that something is glowing beside them. But this thing is not simply glowing but is making fantastic fascinating movements. It is glow stick in your hand glow stick underlines your own fine beautiful movements.
Color of glow stick is your choice. This choice may depend on your mood or your usual beloved color or whatever you want. Those who have no glow stick with them envy you. Be sure they will have their own glow stick for next party. And that is good. Next party will be stunning.
When the party is over you go through the streets (I hope not alone) and glow stick makes you feel romantic this evening. You will remember this dancing party.
But if your dance is still not as perfect as you want than glow stick will draw away others attention from some not skilled movements you still have. The main thing here is how you use your glow stick.
Try it you will have no regret.
One way you can use your glow stick you now know.
Go ahead.
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