What is it – glow stick? How it can light without lamp and battery?
The answer is simple. Glow stick gets energy to light from the reaction. Glow stick is a piece of plastic tube containing a glass vial. Here are two chemical components. One is in plastic tube the other is in glass vial. When they blend with each other we have chemical reaction that produces light.
To have different colors of glow sticks there are different fluorescent dyes. Just fluorescent dyes produce this amazing spectrum of colors that offer us glow sticks. The intensity of glow depends also of temperature. The warmer environment of glow stick the brighter is its glow. The explanation is simple warmer environment makes chemical reaction goes faster.
So we have three chemical substances in glow stick. Two of them produce energy and the last third component adds color to the glow. Some people manage to make glow sticks themselves. But there is slight reason in it cause the price of glow stick is not high.
Due to its ability to light without lamp and battery glow sticks have plenty of applications.
People use them for holiday’s fun, diving, camping, decoration etc. In other words only your imagination can limit glow stick application.
Go ahead take your friends get glow sticks and find out something funny and fascinating of your own.
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