You are not right if you think that glow sticks are only for rave parties and other events of this sort. Do you know about a bit quieter entertainment with glow sticks? It is fishing! But it is not ordinary day light fishing but night fishing cause we are talking about glow sticks here.
Fishing is a great hobby for a big part of the people on our planet. Glow sticks make it more fascinating. You know for sure that moon light changes all things you see. But even when there is no moon the darkness changes your feelings all the same.
This rod is made form super-strong and durable E-Glass. Unlike most glow in the dark rods that only the tip glows on
Fishing is a great sport Have a competition choosing different types of glow sticks… sorry glow rods. Here you will expose not only your fishing skills but your fishing glow rod also. Show that your glow rod is the best. You know how to do it. Real proof is several buckets full with fish that you caught with your super glow rod.
You may have night fishing from boat or from shore. If you have night fishing from boat you must think in advance how you will get back after night fishing. If there will be still dark glow sticks will help you again marking the place you want to return. Decorate your boat with glow sticks saying “Hey fish go here. I’m waiting for you”.
Unfortunately in general fish you try to catch does not glow by itself in the dark. Hope this problem will be solved in near future by glow stick industry.
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